Foster/Volunteer Form – Spike’s Rescue

Fostering Terms and Conditions

Please read and check off each item. By submitting this application and agreement, the Volunteer acknowledges that failure to follow the policies, procedures and directives of Spike’s Rescue, whether verbal or in writing, may be cause for immediate termination of the Spike’s Rescue volunteer relationship. I hereby affirm that I have read and agreed to all conditions set forth in this document. I further affirm that I am at least 18 years of age. I further agree that I will give the animals the best, most humane, most kind treatment I can. I will protect them from harm, ease their ills, and be sure they are clean, comfortable, well fed, and always watered.

Foster agrees to provide temporary housing for foster animals provided by Spike’s Rescue awaiting adoptions -special care circumstances such as bottle-fed kittens and sick animals as well as healthy animals that need a temporary place to stay where they will be cared for and loved. Fosters may choose to foster only healthy, ready-to-adopt animals or may choose to be trained to medicate sick animals. An available, separate foster animal room or area is best but not required for foster homes. All adoptable animals must be transported to/from weekend adoption events unless prior arrangements are made.
DateIf this is a short term arrangement, please list the date you will be returning the animal to a Spike’s Rescue representative. You also acknowledge fostering does not automatically move to adoption. If you choose to adopt, you will be required to complete the adoption process and pay all relevant fees.
Foster agrees to provide temporary housing/care until such time the animal is adopted. Foster shall notify Spike’s Rescue of any change in status of residential address, telephone contact information or place of employment.
The foster is NOT the legal owner and may not place the animal for adoption on their own. All adoptions must be approved by Spike’s Rescue and made through the Spike’s Rescue Adoption Contract Process. If the demand is made by Spike’s Rescue that the animal is to be returned to Spike’s Rescue, the foster agrees to return the animal within 24 hours with all medicine and equipment provided by Spike’s Rescue including but not limited to crates and carriers. If foster does not surrender the animal to Spike’s Rescue on demand, Spike’s Rescue will proceed with its legal remedies and foster shall be responsible to reimburse fees and costs associated with such remedies to recover the animal and agree to compensate Spike’s Rescue for the full adoption fee.
All foster volunteers care for the animals in their homes and are responsible for the basic care of the animals such as making sure food and water is available at all times and that the animal has a clean living space and litter pan (if cat) or safe, supervised outings (dog only). Spike’s Rescue provides the foster home with food, litter and pans (if cat), medications, vaccinations, flea preventative, heart worm preventative (if dog), carriers and veterinary care for all fostered animals. Cages will also be provided should the foster home or animal require them. No monetary support is ever required from a foster home for the animal’s care. All fosters set their own quantity limit and will never be given more animals than they agree to care for. Fosters are expected to care for each animal accepted by the foster for the entire time the animal is in need of foster care. Vacation relief is available with ample notice given.
Fosters keep track of the animal’s medical history on Spike’s Rescue provided forms and dispense any required medication and transport the animal to and from any veterinary appointments. Foster families agree to contact their assigned Spike’s Rescue representative to express animal concerns and agree to follow their instructions, specifically medical attention. Should a Foster not follow this process and seek medical attention without authorization, the foster shall bear the full responsibility for the associated fees or charges Spike’s Rescue will not be responsible for unauthorized charges solicited on its behalf nor will it reimburse fosters for unauthorized costs or expenses.
Any medical attention or animal concerns should be expressed to Spike’s Rescue and Spike’s Rescue will provide the appropriate instructions or authorization for veterinary care. Spike’s Rescue will provide the necessary veterinary attention. If a foster seeks veterinary care without authorization, they shall be fully responsible for any costs or charges incurred.
Fosters agree to be available to transport the animal and help staff the adoption locations on one or bothweekend days during the time the animal is eligible for adoption unless prior arrangements are made.
All cats and kittens MUST be kept indoors at all times except for when transporting in a Spike’s Rescue approved carrier for Spike’s Rescue purposes.
Spike’s Rescue volunteers, sponsors and all supporters do not assume liability for any injuries or expenses that may be incurred by the Volunteer, visitors or family whether caused by an animal or other source. By signing this agreement, the Volunteer agrees to hold harmless Spike’s Rescue, all volunteers, sponsors and supporters and acknowledges that failure to follow the policies, procedures and directives of Spike’s Rescue whether verbal or in writing, may be cause for termination of the Spike’s Rescue volunteer relationship.
Spike’s Rescue reserves the right, at Spike’s Rescue’s discretion, to either remove any or all Spike’s Rescue animals from the Volunteer’s possession and/or bill the Volunteer for the then current full adoption fee for each animal not removed. Any unreturned equipment, medication, supplies, et. al. shall also be billed to the Volunteer at the current replacement value.
Thank you for your interest in fostering. Fostering is a rewarding yet demanding labor of love. Foster families must be reliable, responsible and cooperative. All new volunteers will be assigned to an experienced volunteer for training and guidance. Filling in your name and submitting this document shall be considered your authorization. PLEASE NOTE: If your application is accepted a copy of your Florida Drivers License or official state ID will be required.